11 Ways to Connect With Nature During the Winter

11 Ways to Connect With Nature During the Winter

Feeling cooped up this winter and looking for something new and fun to do? It’s time to get outside and reconnect with nature. Spending time in nature can provide you with many health benefits, see below. This article gives you 11 fun and different ways β€¦

My Gardening Journey – How to Thin Seedlings

My Gardening Journey – How to Thin Seedlings

Thinning seedlings can be tough. It has taken me a while to warm up to the process, even though I know it’s important. I’ve gotten the hang of it now and wanted to share with you what I have learned. This article will explain why β€¦

How to Start and Care for a Garden in 11 Simple Steps

How to Start and Care for a Garden in 11 Simple Steps

Have you ever wanted to start a garden but unsure where to begin? You have come to the right place. This article takes you through 11 simple steps to help you begin your gardening journey. β€œAll through the long winter, I dream of my garden. β€¦

My Gardening Journey – Seed Starting Outdoors 101

My Gardening Journey – Seed Starting Outdoors 101

As of now, we are nearing the end of May, but it’s not too late to start planting seeds outdoors! Seed Starting Outdoors 101 will take you through 6 simple steps to successfully grow your vegetable garden sowing seeds outdoors. Have you prepped and set β€¦

My Gardening Journey – Seed Starting Indoors 101

My Gardening Journey – Seed Starting Indoors 101

My family and I have been seed starting indoors for years now. It is such a fun activity to do with the kids. Plant the seeds, water them, give them sun and watch them grow! The Easter Bunny usually gives them a seed starting kit β€¦

My Gardening Journey – 3 Essential Tips for Vegetable Gardening

My Gardening Journey – 3 Essential Tips for Vegetable Gardening

My gardening journey has led me to discover three essential tips that can help beginner vegetable gardeners answer common questions and avoid confusion when starting out. How do I successfully grow a vegetable garden? I am bound and determined to get it right this year. β€¦

Simple Eco-Friendly Changes Your Family Can Make Today

Simple Eco-Friendly Changes Your Family Can Make Today

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Make a Difference Do you ever ask yourself, will my small eco-friendly changes and efforts at home really make a big difference?  Every time I save a food scrap for the compost or use a cloth towel instead of a β€¦

Welcome to Simple Eco Mama!

Welcome to Simple Eco Mama!

Thank you for visiting my site and taking the time to read my posts! I thought I would start with this welcome post to let you know a little more about myself and my motivation for writing this Simple Eco Mama blog.  I have been β€¦

Connect with Nature for a Happier Healthier Family

Connect with Nature for a Happier Healthier Family

β€œYou didn’t come into this world, you came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.” Alan Watts We are all connected. Always remember that we are not separate from nature. We are nature and we need to β€¦