Connect with Nature for a Happier Healthier Family

“You didn’t come into this world, you came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.” Alan Watts
We are all connected. Always remember that we are not separate from nature. We are nature and we need to connect with nature to survive. Below you will find four simple ways you can bring yourself and your family closer to nature and some benefits of each.
Many of my favorite childhood memories are the ones where I spent time outdoors with my family. I loved camping, skiing and going to the beach. My husband and I are striving to influence our children in the same way, by immersing them in as many outdoor activities in nature as we can. My goal for this blog is to share my knowledge and passion for living a more simple and natural life. I thought the best place to start is to discuss how nature even affects us and why it is so important to reconnect or bring more nature into our lives.
Table of Contents
Connect with Nature for the Mind
It is so easy to forget the importance of nature connection in our fast-paced busy concrete-filled lives. As mothers, we need time for ourselves and when you do get that chance, try to spend it outdoors. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as, promote mental clarity and increase overall happiness.
We can use meditation to slow down thoughts, be mindful, and connect. I love using guided meditations that bring aspects of nature into the home, the sound of the beach, river, or animals in the forest. Meditation allows you to let go of all your worries for the time being and promotes connection within as well as with your surroundings. This, in turn, will bring a greater sense of awareness and gratitude for life and deep respect for nature as a whole. Try meditating outside to feel even more grounded and connected.

Connect with Nature for the Environment
The more time we spend in nature, the more conscious we are about protecting the environment. We also are more inclined to do something about it.
We need to do what we can, no matter how big or small to help take care of mother earth. Climate change and global warming are having devastating effects on the diversity of our ecosystems and the species within them, as well as, the many effects on humans (more severe weather patterns, drought, wildfires, food security, etc). We all can make a difference. Let’s do it for our children and for our children’s children!
Be sure to take care of your home environment as well. Remove as many toxins as you can from your cleaning and laundry products by switching to more natural versions. Help to take care of the environment by eliminating the single-use plastics in the home and work towards living more sustainably to help reduce methane gas production occurring in our landfills as well as through factory farming.
Do you want to do more for the environment? Contact your local environmental organizations. There are many volunteer opportunities that you can participate in as well as make donations and sign petitions to help protect our land and waters.
Connect with Nature for Health
Research has shown that spending time outdoors has numerous health benefits and it is hoped that doctors will begin to prescribe exposure to greenspace as part of their health care regimen. Spending time in nature can improve your cardiovascular and respiratory systems, reduce stress and lower high blood pressure, among many other benefits.
One study published in June 2019 states: “Spending at least 120 minutes per week in nature is associated with good health and well being.” The 120 minutes doesn’t have to be split up equally but can be done at any time throughout the week. But when you do split it up, it is only 20 minutes per day. Make it a priority and set some time aside to accomplish this very important task.
Shinrin-Yoku or “forest bathing” is a traditional Japanese practice that began in the 1980’s. People are advised to mindfully use all 5 senses and soak up all the benefits nature has to offer. It can be done in any green space but encourages people to spend more time in nature whether you are lying on the ground relaxing or enjoying your surroundings walking through the forest.

Put it in perspective and see yourself as a part of nature. It will help you focus on what your body needs to survive and be as healthy as possible. From the food you eat to the products you put on your skin.
The human adult is made up of approximately 60% water overall (the earth is 70%). Focus on feeding your family whole unprocessed foods that come from the earth and also have a high water content, such as fruits and vegetables. This will help maintain the water requirements your body needs. Concentrate on filling your body with the best quality food possible and avoid processed, greasy and sugary foods.
Last but not least, being in nature increases the microbial diversity in your gut, known as your gut microbiome. This will support your immune system and increase your overall health. Exercise also promotes good gut bacteria, so make sure to get outside and move!
Connect with Nature for Happy Families
Raise children in a natural environment. Have them spend a lot of their time outdoors.
Integrate nature in all aspects of children’s lives. Teach children sustainability and how to take care of the earth so it can, in turn, continue to take care of us. Teach them how to garden and take care of indoor plants. Give them wooden, natural toys to play with. Allow them to play outside, no matter the weather. They will learn to problem solve, use their imagination and be creative. Children live in the moment and will enjoy these outdoor experiences with nature more than any indoor technology experience.
Make it a priority to schedule a weekly family outing in nature. Your family will reap the benefits of health and happiness as well as create many fun-filled memories that will last a lifetime.
If you are not able to get away, bring nature indoors. Fill your space with indoor plants, play audio sounds of nature, or hang photos and have pictures up on your computer that bring nature to you.
On the days when I am not able to get outside, I make sure to have our blinds open to let in as much natural light as possible and I look out at the mountains and nature surrounding me and I am reminded how amazing it truly is and how lucky we are to be a part of it.

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” Gary Snyder
It is time to go back to our ancestral roots and integrate more nature into our lives. We seem to have become disconnected with nature which may contribute to many of the health problems our society has today. Whether you are hiking in the woods, taking a stroll on the beach or spending time in a nearby park, you will feel the great rewards Mother Nature has to offer.
Do you have any stories of how nature has benefited you and your family? Please comment below and let us know!
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