30 Days of Green Smoothies – Here’s What Happened!

30 Days of Green Smoothies – Here’s What Happened!
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I love green smoothies! They make me feel good inside and out. I posted a green smoothie recipe last month and decided I wanted to do a 30-day green smoothie challenge and see if I noticed anything different.

Actually it’s 30+ days now because I enjoy it so much. I’ve only missed a couple of days since my 30 was over. However, I am writing this while on a road trip and know I won’t get them every day while traveling. But will get right back to it when we return and will hopefully have more fresh greens and herbs ready in the garden to include!

If you are interested in trying the 30-day green smoothie challenge, visit my Nourishing Green Smoothie article for a delicious healthy recipe and health benefits for each ingredient. I did change it up based on what ingredients I had in the home but basically followed this recipe for most days.

I also came up with a new recipe using a lot of herbs from the garden and will post that soon too. Yum!

Why Green Smoothies?

I generally do eat healthy but know I can do better. Especially with increasing the amount of greens I eat in a day. This is a great way to pack in the nutrition we may otherwise not get in on a single day every day.

My 30-Day Green Smoothie Results

I am a coffee drinker and love my morning cup of coffee and sometimes an afternoon coffee or tea as well. I normally don’t drink smoothies in the morning because I like to have something to go with my coffee. 🙂  Like my Superfood Breakfast Cereal recipe. It’s my favorite! 

I would either have my smoothie with lunch and include a healthy protein to go along with it or I would have it later in the afternoon. 

  1. Increased Energy

The afternoon slump, you know the time when you feel tired and want that afternoon cup of caffeine or that yummy sugary snack? 

This is when I like to have my green smoothie. It is an awesome pick me up! I started to notice I had more energy in the afternoons and I wouldn’t get tired as I used to when out working in the yard, garden, or even doing daily chores in the home. This gave me even more motivation to continue this 30 + day journey. 

Not only this, but I was eating healthier in the afternoons instead of reaching for that processed snack or sweet treat. I no longer had the desire or craving to look for something unhealthy to eat. 

green smoothie in a jar on the grass surrounded by small white flowers
  1. Headache Relief

I tend to get headaches/migraines off and on throughout the month. I have yet to figure out the cause. Is it hormonal, lack of sleep, stress, a food trigger, or a combination of them all? 

When I was nearing the end of the 30 days, I realized I did not have to take any medication for a headache the entire month. I do not like to take medicine and try to do whatever I can before I have to take it, but sometimes I do. 

This month, I only felt a couple of slight headaches coming on and when I did, I would drink my green smoothie and go out for some fresh air or work in the garden and it worked! My headache went away. 

I started putting fresh mint in my smoothies, it is growing like crazy in our backyard, and I believe this added with the green smoothie ingredients provided some relief for me. 

Mint is another great herb that can provide headache relief. Many herbal remedies brew mint in their tea or make a full cup of fresh mint tea help with headaches as well. Source

  1. Clearer Skin

I seem to get an occasional blemish during our around the time of my period. I actually break out more now than when I was a teenager! 

It didn’t happen this month either and I feel my skin looks and feels healthier. I believe the healthy ingredients along with the increased daily hydration helped benefit my skin in a huge way. 

  1. Increased Daily Fluid Intake

As busy moms, we all need to drink more fluids.  The days seem to go by so fast and before we know it, we have hardly had a thing to drink. Am I right? 

My daily green smoothie was usually 16-32 ounces. This was a boost on top of what I was already drinking. I had my one cup of coffee, my smoothie, and tried to keep up with my water intake as well.

  1. Overall Wellness and Peace of Mind

Knowing I am getting in these beautiful clean greens and ingredients into my body every day, gives me the peace of mind that I am doing something right for my health. 

I did a lot of research for each ingredient in the Nourishing Green Smoothie and was amazed as to the benefits each can provide. Visit the article for all of the details! 

Drinking a green smoothie

My daughter snapped this pic of me enjoying my green smoothie!

30-Day Green Smoothie Summary

I will continue to enjoy my afternoon green smoothies as often as I can. I always look forward to them and it makes me feel good to know the nourishment my body is taking in from these ingredients. 

Think about it, a green smoothie beats a greasy burger and fries any day. Literally, I just had a burger and fries and am wishing I had my green smoothie!! Road trips! I need to plan ahead next time and make my smoothie to go!

I would encourage everyone to go on a 30-day green smoothie journey and see how it benefits you. If you do, I would love to hear about it. Please share in the comments below.

And speaking of planning ahead, if you do have a busy schedule and have a lot of running around to do, make sure you plan when to have your smoothie each day or make it to go. 

I like to have my smoothies in the afternoon but if you do prefer smoothies in the morning, try it then too. See what works best for you.

Remember to purchase organic ingredients if possible. It’s farmers market season! If you have one nearby, see if you can purchase some of your ingredients there. Support local! 

Better yet, see if you can grow some of your own greens and herbs. It is June now but not too late to start some summer and fall crops, even if it’s just a few pots of herbs. Start small and reap the benefits of fresh homegrown food. 

If you are interested, I have written some how-to gardening posts. I have articles on how to start and care for a garden, how to start seeds indoors and outdoors, and more. Check them out here: Simple Eco Mama Gardening.

Peace and Health! 

***Health Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This article is for informational purposes only. The content in this article should not be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional before making any healthcare changes. Written by a Mama who loves to research, learn, and share experiences, thoughts, tips, and ideas on nutrition and health.***

14 thoughts on “30 Days of Green Smoothies – Here’s What Happened!”

  • Very interesting post! I love green smoothies they also have made me energized I noticed. This post is very eye-opening about green smoothies many things I didn’t know about them.

  • Thank you for sharing these wonderful tips. My energy has been so low due to the lack of having much of a routine right now. I will definitely give this a shot.

  • Great post! Super informative and interesting. I’ve wondered about green smoothies, because I can’t eat most fruits and vegetables. I currently make a smoothie with just spinach, but I’m digging your recipe.. would just have to omit a couple things my body refuses to accept. LOL
    Thank you for great information!

    • I hope you enjoy it. I always look forward to my daily green smoothies. I would love to hear how it goes.

  • Great info! My husband and I recently started a celery cleanse. I have been juicing every other day and already see some great benefits. Thank you for this info, I might venture out and try other greens. 😉

    • I have heard of the celery cleanse, but haven’t tried it yet. What kind of benefits have you experienced so far? I have really enjoyed incorporating more herbs in my smoothies lately. Parsley and mint along with the cilantro.

  • I loved this post. I read your smoothie recipe too and I think cilantro is supposed to be really good at helping with blemishes! I wonder if that was a factor in your skin!

    • Thank you for your comment. Cilantro is awesome and I love the flavor it gives to the smoothies. It’s amazing, the amount of nutrition we can get into our bodies with these healthy green smoothies.

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