Simple. Sustainable. Healthy. Happy.
Hi, I’m Lisa.
Welcome to Simple Eco Mama!

My Vision
I have decided to create this blog to share my experiences and journey with other Mama’s out there who are looking to create more tranquility and purpose in their busy stressful lives. I believe this can be achieved through nutrition and fitness changes, connecting with nature, decluttering the home, and living a more sustainable life.
This is a continuous and ever-growing journey. It would be very rewarding to connect with other Mama’s and share our beautiful, inspiring, and challenging moments together, helping one another along the way.
As a very busy Mama of two, I have always been very passionate about nutrition and health and in the more recent years, sustainability. I also believe in the high importance of mind-body connection as well as our interconnectedness with the earth.
I feel like all of these work together to create happiness.
When we live more simply, we have more time for ourselves and for our family.
When we eat well, we feel better. We know we are filling our bodies with essential minerals and nutrients, which in turn give us a healthier body and mind.
When we meditate we have time for ourselves to collect our thoughts, to let them pass by and to be in the moment. Meditation increases our awareness of gratitude and brings to light all we can be thankful for.
When we practice yoga or exercise we feed our body and mind with energy to help to build and strengthen as well as providing ourselves a greater sense of well being.
We are a cohesive being that is a part of everything else. It is essential to treat ourselves and our planet with care.

My Mission
My heart longs to be more connected with the earth and natural life that surrounds us. After all, we need the earth to be healthy in order for us to be healthy. I question what I can do, the way my life is right now, to help heal myself, others, and the earth in any way.
I want to feel grounded to the earth when I practice yoga and connected with the sun and moon when I meditate. These practices allow us to focus on self-awareness and allow us to be at peace within ourselves.
I want to help care for the land that surrounds us. Plant native trees and plants, create sustainable food forests and encourage healthy soil production that can provide protection for those micro beings that work so hard in the ground below us. So that we, in turn, can grow nourishing sustainable food.
I want to live a more simple and sustainable life and help restore what Mother Earth and Father Sky have so kindly given to us for these millions of years.
Will anything I do alone be a significant change? We all need to come together to do what we can, in the lives we are leading right now, to make a collective difference as a whole.
I would like to give back and encourage others to strive for similar goals, to take care of the environment just as it takes care of us and to heal ourselves as well. We are connected with the earth and the earth is connected with us. We are one.

If you would like to read a little more about my story, please see my Welcome to Simple Eco Mama post here.